
Showing posts from March, 2010

Year 12 Jazz and Classical Homework

Jazz : Revise and listen to all three set works. Ensure you listen with your notes. Classical : use the sheet in today's lesson to revise all three set works. If you have lost your sheet or you were not in today's lesson, download it from here .

Year 13 Homework: Fri 26/03/10

Essay : Discuss Wagner's theories of music and drama. Illustrate your answer with detailed references to a passage from a music drama. Due: Tuesday 20th April 2010

Year 12 Classical Homework Tue 23/03/10

Short essay question: Using the exposition of Schubert's Unifinished Symphony, explain how this work contrasts with typical Classical writing. Refer to instrumentation, texture, tonality and any other notable features. Due: Tuesday 30th March 2010

Year 13 Homework: Fri 19/3/10

Make sure you read the extracts from Dahlhaus ' Nineteenth Century Music to support your answer as well. Please make notes. This will be in preparation for next week's essay: Discuss Wagner's theories of music and drama. Illustrate your answer with detailed references to a passage from a music drama. Due in on Friday 26 th March 2010 . On a different note, click here is the Schoenberg playlist from today's lesson.

Jazz and Classical Homework: 16/03/10

Jazz: Revise everything we have learned about Miles Davis and So What for a listening test for next lesson. Classical: Essay - Compare and contrast the use of the orchestra used by Bach in his 3rd Orchestral Suite with the orchestra that Schubert uses in his Symphony no. 8 . Due: Tuesday 23/03/10

Year 13 Homework Fri 12/03/10

1) Finish the listening paper from a couple of weeks ago and complete the new one (Parry?) by Tuesday 16 th March 2010. 2) In any format you like (table, PowerPoint , bullet points, essay), find at least 2 examples of each leitmotif in Act I of Die Walkure , placing them in the context of the plot and explaining (or at least suggesting) their significance. This is due in on Friday 19 th March 2010 .

Year 12: Classical Homework Tue 02/03/10

Complete the sheet given out in lesson. If you have lost it, click here to download it from Google Docs. Due in Tuesday 16/03/10

Year 12 Jazz Homework

Read over all that we have learned in today's lesson (2/3/10) so that you really familiarise yourself with it. Due next week (9/3/10).